各位使用者 您好:
上課時間:2022/03/09 10:00 ~ 12:00
1. 新進教師、研究人員、助理、研究生,需進行動物實驗者,
2. 完成本場次課程者可認列專題演講學習護照時數兩小時
3. 教職員若需學分者,
Dear TMU faculty
In order to help our faculty and colleagues understand this system, the Animal Center will hold a seminar to explain the use of the electronic entry system in the Experimental Animal Center:
Lesson time:2022/03/09 10:00 ~ 12:00
Class type : Online class & test
Class website : https://reurl.cc/5GQxKV
How to apply the animal housing application by housing control system?
What sould I pay attention on sending application ?
Description:1. New teacher; student; assistant manager and any one you need use animal center, must join this class.